Friday, April 19, 2019

NE555 short delay timer

NE555 short delay timer

This ne555 timer based short delay timer is designed to turn on and off a led or a connected load to its out put pin (3rd) after few or seconds of delay after it activated.delay timer activated by pressing the S1 tactile switch.after pressing S1 circuit will start to glow LED1 after few seconds it will turn off.this delay can be changed by varying the C2 capacitor and 50K potentiometer.this kind of circuit comes in handy when working with MCU's which have  limited amount of  out put pins , memory, as for example if i wanted to activate a buzzer and turn it off after a few second, this can be easily achieved using MCU. but it is costly. so put that functionality in a analog circuit like this going to save some costly resources.

  download eagle cad files :

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