Sunday, April 28, 2019

Arduino and Java Hardware Monitoring and Controller

Arduino and Java Hardware Monitoring and Controller

I build this for maker-space American corner Kandy sir-Lanka, maker fair 2018 mini-engineering exhibition. how ever  the idea of monitoring and controlling real life hardware been sticks to my mine ever since. That reason is the major reason that I learned programming finally I made it.

as you can see there is multi-tasking going on, I have used “avdweb_VirtualDelay” for obtain  non-blocking delay functionality. all communication is done between Arduino nano and the java application via serial data protocol .on top of that I have used JSON protocol to encode and decode data in Arduino and pc . 

java application is a single threaded application, I have used  jssc serial library to establish communication between Arduino and java app.and i have used Net-Beans IDE to develop this software.

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