Sunday, April 7, 2019

Attiny13 Battery Charger

Attiny13 - 12V  Lead - Acid Battery Charger  


 Attiny13  MCU consist of 8 pins and 1K of Flash Memory. By using assembly language + arduino can make most out of MCU quite easily.this is a 12V  Lead - Acid Battery Charger that i have designed and  build. it works well. i have used pc817 to send the MCU signal to relay driver circuit further protecting the MCU from sparks and high voltages.voltage divider is a simple two resistor circuit which is capable of handling 50v MAX in this out puts 5v when if it revives 50v dc.
for the lover values its going to out put corresponding values.Attiny13 MCU have 3 ADC pins which can read these analog values.i have added life indicator to the circuit so when it powers up it helps to decide whether its working or not. using a relay i had the chance to control the cut-off mechanism even if the charging voltage is half-regulated DC.using it this way it wont harm the other components in the circuit.  

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