Tuesday, April 30, 2019

DIY sub-woofer with TPA3116D2

DIY sub-woofer with TPA3116D2

Recently my creative 2.1 sub-woofer burned out, the tda ic in side the sub has lost its ghost.so i thought to repair it.but the pcb is too old. so i thought instead of repairing this one, buy a kit from ebay and build a diy solution.so i purchased a  TPA3116D2 50Wx2+100W 2.1 Channel Digital Sub-woofer Power Amplifier Board from ebay.
this amp kit works from 12v to 24v DC, sound quality is good.unfortunately this board does not contain a thump-protection, so when powering up and powering down it makes a annoying loud thump sound.

i choose to re-use the small speakers from old creative sub, but i choose to build the sub-woofer myself with the mdf sheets and LG home theater sub-woofer speaker. 

i have used 12v 2AMP  transformer model power supply.  this kind of AMP kits also work great with SMPS power supplies as well !

digital birthday cards

digital birthday cards

This are from back then when i'm starting to learn about assembly language and winAsmStudio.i have made some digital birthday cards to send to my closest friends.

i have chosen to develop this in assembly because i don't have to ship the run-time components with them to work.

download :  https://github.com/stark9000/digital-birthday-card

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Random fun stuff

Random  fun stuff ....

This is some kind of a random experiment using old LCD displays back cover and NEO-Pixel Leds + Arduino & adafruit neopixel library.

Attiny13/85 output extender PCB from JLCPCB

Attiny13/85 output extender PCB from JLCPCB

Recently i have designed  zttiny13/85 output extender PCB layout in eagle cad and send to the jlcpcb for production.since this is my first order they offerd me free shipping so i had to pay only for pcb manufacturing. i received them in two weeks.result is astonishingly great.

Arduino under glow neon light controller

Arduino under glow neon light controller  

Did you ever played need for speed underground 2 video game? I have played this several times. and the car customization and specially that blinking neon light sticked to my mind ever since I have played that game. Recently I thought of making a neon controller like that using Arduino platform.

I have used 10k potentiometer to control the speed of fade in and fade off effect.pin 5 of Arduino used as the PWM out put pin.


Arduino and Java Hardware Monitoring and Controller

Arduino and Java Hardware Monitoring and Controller

I build this for maker-space American corner Kandy sir-Lanka, maker fair 2018 mini-engineering exhibition. how ever  the idea of monitoring and controlling real life hardware been sticks to my mine ever since. That reason is the major reason that I learned programming languages.so finally I made it.

as you can see there is multi-tasking going on, I have used “avdweb_VirtualDelay” for obtain  non-blocking delay functionality. all communication is done between Arduino nano and the java application via serial data protocol .on top of that I have used JSON protocol to encode and decode data in Arduino and pc . 

java application is a single threaded application, I have used  jssc serial library to establish communication between Arduino and java app.and i have used Net-Beans IDE to develop this software.