Friday, May 3, 2019

DIY CNC Machines

DIY CNC Machines 

 This is about all the DIY cnc machines i have built from scratch.i have builed many of them using arduino platform.but after making them i have noticed accuracy is not so good due to metirials i have use to build them.dvd motors consumes lot of needed to powered from external source of power which is capable of providing 3-4apms to the motors else motors won't work they will start to humming due to lack of power.i have used easy driver 1.3 module to drive the steppers.of course i have used the Arduino UNO as the mother board.there is a lot of arduino sketches in the internet that uses Arduino and processing to connect the machine to is the software used in many of this kind of machines to generate g codes.

In these setup its lot of work to be done on the software and it didn't feels like complete kind a feels like in experiment level of i moved to the Arduino cnc-shield grbl.this way its easy to use and feels complete as well. so the second machine first used uln 2008 drivers.i switched away from them and settled for cnc-shield.i had to convert 28byj-48moters to be bipolar in order to connect them to cnc-shield. this far i have learned lot about cnc i ordered some stuff from ebay and start building a big machine. i was able to find 17pm-h005-p2va from  old dot matrix printers.i used them in the big machine.

dvd motor based mini-cnc 28byj-48

this one use 28byj-48 stepper motors that modded to be a bipolar.

this one use three 17pm-h005-p2va stepper motors from old dot-matrix printers.

After all the grbl and cnc shield is good choice.but the materials i have choose to build the hardware is not so.i think aluminum is the greatest material to in this kind of thing.

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